I've been walking down to playschool this week with the youngest two. The weather is too good to waste and I'm trying to get fit again - I think my excuse of babydom is well and truly over, isn't it!
I have really loved it. Although the last bit of the journey is along quite a busy, narrow road, most of the walk is beautiful; up over the hill....
through the town and all it's little shops and down the hill again past the lovely old houses.
I usually dash down there and back again in an attempt to get as much done in one morning as I possibly can, but I guess I am realising this is a false economy. I actually don't get back much later than if I had rushed down in the car, and the benefits of walking are many. First of all the views - which I would not be able to appreciate in a car.
I also love the way I always see familiar faces, even if it's a quick wave as they zoom past in a car on their way to work. It's lovely to have a few friendly greetings of a morning.
I also get to chat to the boys and their mood is so much improved by being outside for a while and just having a bit of time together. It's especially nice to have the return journey back up the hill (much better with just one in the buggy!) and stop at the little sweetie shop. Lucky little man got a chocolate bunny today - "Choc choc" - it's amazing how quickly they learn this word and that something wrapped in gold foil and shaped like a rabbit is actually chocolate. How do they know?! We have stopped at the play park too a couple of times, which even though it usually means a wet bottom (for him, not me!) is worth it for the glee that accompanies a short stay.
When I get home, there's just a few things starting to bloom in the garden, which gives me so much pleasure. We have virtually given up on vegetables this year, in favour of a flower border and I can't tell you how excited I am about the idea of being able to cut myself a little posy of flowers that I have grown.
It's too hard to wait - so I bought myself a bunch of daffodils and picked the two Camellia blooms that greeted me on my return home. It doesn't take much to brighten a table and make me feel better about the world!
So, today I am thinking, how even though there is still the housework to do and the dinner will still need to be cooked - I am so blessed to have a few precious minutes to breath in the beauty of this life.
As I have mentioned before, a favourite poem as we were growing up was Leisure by William Henry Davies....and it certainly summed up my morning. I hope you too get a few moments to stop and stare today.