Monday, 26 September 2011


What a lovely thing it is to create something special for someone. Something that will make them smile.

This last week I have had the pleasure of creating two such things, one of which will hopefully have caused a a few giggles and added to the festivities of a 70th birthday party.

What a privilege to hand over a cake to someone, knowing that it will help create the memories that family will cherish for years to come. I hope you all enjoyed eating it as much as I did creating it for you. Happy Birthday!

My second opportunity to bless (and surely this is what life is for?) was for my lovely newest nephew on the occasion of his dedication.

Three years ago this coming January, my wonderful Dad went to be with his Creator. Some people travel through this life lightly, and dad did. He didn't leave us much that the rest of the world would count as valuable, but goodness me, he left us so rich.

His three children all have beautiful families now, and we each have one child who was born after he died. I have been realising a lot recently that there is comfort in the knowledge that although they may never have met this wonderful man, they will know him through the homes they live in, the way they are brought up gently, the creativity that oozes from every corner of their living spaces, the way problems are overcome, the things we say and do without knowing and the inheritance of our family history (and I don't mean the superficial "who married who", but the much deeper bonds of how we loved each other and built our memories together).

It was an absolute honour to present my brother's boy with our dedication present to him. I had a special time reading through my dad's letters to me - of which there are many, and picking out the words I wanted to give little J. He is welcome to use them too - they are big enough to share! These are words of comfort, encouragement and love from my Dad, embroidered into a cushion made with a remnant from one of his shirts. I hope that as J grows, he will understand these words more and more, in different ways and that they will comfort him and spur him on.
Maybe they will be a comfort to you too?

I've also been thinking about you - yes, I mean YOU.

We are all creative in some way, whether it be baking, fixing things, gardening, sewing, problem solving, encouraging words - whatever - no-one goes without the gift of creativity in this life. Whatever your gift is - why not think about using it to make some one's day? Sometimes we shy away from giving in this way because we think it's not what people want, or we're not quite good enough at doing it. Let me reassure you - the gift of creative thoughtfulness will always touch someone deeply, and perhaps the way you have gone beyond your comfort zone in giving it, will make it even more special to the recipient.

Go on - give the gift of creativity.

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