Thursday, 29 September 2011

What is this life?

Good morning!I am rushing out to my studio, after hurrying to get two loads of washing in the machine while the sunshine lasts, after dashing down to drop N off at Pre-school and I just thought I'd share a quick 5 minutes with you - because sometimes life is too much of a rush!
After getting back in the car this morning, ready to race back home to the creative haven that waits patiently for me at the bottom of the garden, I looked out of the window and saw this.

It's not anything out of the ordinary, in fact, most of you probably pass by a similar scene every day. that's why I wanted to share it. Isn't it beautiful? The light at this time of year takes on a different quality; dreamlike and magical. It's like that lovely time as you drift off to sleep and all is right with the world after a long day. Creation seems to be sighing contentedly.

I know that for some of you, this is a hard time of year. The days are getting shorter and Summer seems to be drawing rapidly to a close. What sort of winter will we have to get through before we can again breath in the Spring air?
This little encounter with the beauty of Nature in all her simple finery reminded me this morning of one of our "growing up" poems, "What is this life, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare?" Maybe if we take a moment, whenever we can, whenever our eye is drawn to something amazing and soak it up, we will gather a harvest that will see us through the winter.

By the way - this was my washing yesterday - I don't usually take photos of my laundry, but this charity shop cache warranted a photo I think. I was so pleases to find so many beautiful, embroidered tablecloths and tea towels. When I have ironed them too, I'll take a few more close ups of the wonderful stitching!

1 comment:

  1. Naomi once again you manage to find the little gems in life to brighten up our days. Thank you x x
